
We are down to three dress options. I think I may go with allowing each to decide which one they like and have multiple styles, but who knows. Here are my choices (picture them all in the color of the first one- I couldn't get the picture to copy in the right color for the others), feel free to comment about which one you like best! My sisters (and hopefully a couple other BMs will try some on this weekend and we can narrow it down even further). Here are the links to the styles if you would like to look at them in the right color (lapis) the last one doesn't show the color online, I'd have to ask in a store: Style 1, Style 2, Style 3

I think any of the three would look cute with the sandals. If I do multiple styles, I may limit it to one of the two strapless and the other dress, that way there is some consistency. I am excited to see how they look on the girls!