Oh how good it feels to have things quickly and smoothly coming together! Last week, I was stressed about many things: colors, catering, save-the-dates, pictures, and the reception. Now, thanks in large part to friends and family, all of these are off my list of serious stressers.
First, my color scheme finally is working flawlessly! As you have read in a prior post, I added sage green to my color scheme. I did this for a couple of reasons: 1) it helps bring spring into an otherwise fall color scheme 2) you can actually find green/purple color combinations when you shop for decor. If you are interested in an inspiration board and examples I put together, click here.
Second, my catering dilemma is over! This, again, is with help from family. I have talked time and time again of the importance of asking family and friends what they may be able to do to help, and it has paid off ten fold. If you would like to refresh the other help I've received from friends and family, read here. My post about catering issues told the problems I was having finding someone to provide the guests with a meal at the reception. Originally, I came up with a plan to make our own lasagna (you can read about these issues here). This was definitely compromising what S and I had wanted at our reception: prime rib and potatoes.
My dad suggested that I call my second cousin (his cousin), Jeff, and find out if he would be up for doing the meat since they make prime rib every Friday at his restaurant. He emphatically said 'yes' and offered up many other services he may be able to provide. He said that depending on the cost of the meat, he may be able to get me the dinner for under $20 a person! He said if we are willing to be patient and wait for sales to come through, we can have a choice beef for cheaper than market price (wonderful to live in cattle country!). He also agreed to supply the kegs of Coors Lite at cost, and bring his portable fridge to keep them in until they are used. Additionally, he is going to talk to the guy who drives an old limo for him on Thursday and Friday nights (for those who enjoy the pub a little too much), and see if he'd be willing to come down and help my guests get safely to their hotels! He was also full of suggestions for how to set up the buffet and keep everything hot/cold. Excellent!
Finally, the invitations are made and off to the printer. Yes, off to the printer, not ordered online. One of my wonderful friends happens to be a graphic designer out of work due to the economy. When we were chatting about wedding plans, I told her the invitations were becoming a little daunting for my budget. She reminded me that she was a graphic designer and could probably produce what I wanted. We collaborated over Chinese, and she put together some beautiful samples for me. The save-the-dates are off to the printer and will be sent out shortly with my engagement pictures (also taken by a friend, Brown Road Photography). Although my friend insisted that I am doing her a favor by improving her portfolio, and that I wouldn't owe her anything for her time, I plan on giving her a fair cut for her work. I actually prefer paying a friend over some internet company.
If only my friends could help me figure out how to de-stress my life as a Middle School teacher!
So, I've been throwing the idea around in my head for a while, and I've finally settled on changing my colors slightly. I was stressing about the change for quite some time because I thought there was NO logical way I could change colors NOW!!! Then, I remembered that I have over 6 months left, and no real decorations or stationary bought- what do I have to lose?
My colors have now shifted from eggplant and champagne to eggplant and sage with accents of champagne. The color champagne was just too difficult to find anything in!! Instead of continuing the stress over this color, I decided that I really liked the combination of purple and green, and, even better, the combo is all over the place! This makes invitations, decorations, and all other coordinating features of my wedding much easier. Now, the stress is in the creation of everything, and not in just finding the "stuff" to make the creations out of- MUCH BETTER!
I am including some samples of this color combination. Also, the sandals from Sseko Designs are in the mail!!! Pictures to follow :)