Pillows and Baskets and Etsy... Oh My!

For those of you who have not visited Etsy, stop reading this and go now! Once you have explored this wonderful world of handcrafted goodies, come back and continue reading...

Now that you have a good idea of the wonderful, amazing, fabulous, (a lot more great adjectives to describe something you probably won't be able to live without), I will tell you what I have recently purchased from there: ring bearer pillow and matching flower girl basket. These two items will be wonderfully coordinated to both my colors and each other, but not look like the typical run-of-the-mill wedding accessory. I am in love with this pillow, aren't you!?

It is called a "knotty pillow" made by a lady with a store called Romancing Juliet. She does custom accessories for weddings, mostly these pillows and matching baskets. I am tempted to buy a cute bird cage looking box for the cards that she has on her shop site. Needless-to-say, I could get in some trouble with this site!

Some previous finds have been my veil (simple, ivory tulle for a third of the cost from a boutique), an adorable hair piece (see picture below), and quite a few other fun home items that are not wedding-related!

This adorable hair piece (which I will put on for the reception after I wear the veil for the ceremony) was from the Etsy store Brenda's Bridal Veils. This is another fun little addition that I had looked at in various bridal boutiques, but would have never parted with the money to buy one. I got the flower above for $27! That isn't even a month's worth of coffee!

So, now that you've seen my fun finds, and you have explored the site for yourself, go back and have fun! By the way, if you scroll down on the home page, you can click on a 'wedding' tab and go straight to a break down of all the fun wedding-oriented categories! Keep and eye out, my amazing graphic designer might just be starting a store for her invitations and graphics!



Anonymous said...

I LOVE Etsy.com!! I have a store on there, but nothing listed right now as most of it is in storage for our hopeful move. I find all kinds of cool things there. These pieces are fabulous! :)